How do we forgive others when we are hurting?

Season #1 Episode #1

What do we do when we have anger, resentment, blame, self doubt, jealousy, sadness and grief? Forgiveness benefits the forgiver. Whereas, holding onto the past, the mistakes, the hurt, the resentment, the failures takes effort and energy. If you want to save your efforts and energy, open your heart and forgive. Forgive yourself, forgive others. Forgiveness doesn't excuse anything, it just frees you to do something about the situation. And it frees the heart to breathe, love and trust. It’s amazingly powerful and liberating. Forgiveness Made Easy If you want to enjoy the present and move on to a better place, what you need is forgiveness. Can we really ever forgive someone who has hurt us? How to forgive when it’s so hard? It’s difficult t because the pain is deep on a subconscious level, but with meditation it’s possible. Even though it’s easier said than done, and even though the process of forgiving isn’t always easy, the result is worth it! It’s amazingly powerful and liberating, it’s one of the best things you can do for your mind, body and relationships. --- Support this podcast: