Activate your Feminine Magnetism

Embody your Divine Power 


Elevate Your Business Success



5 WEEKS HypnoActivation®

Yes, I want this!

Are you ready to step into your power and lead with feminine magnetism?

Welcome to Women in Business-an empowering journey designed to help spiritual women like you unlock your full potential in business. Whether you're a coach, healer, or heart-centered entrepreneur, this program will guide you to embrace your feminine energy, clear success blocks, and grow your business with ease and grace.



Transform Your Business, Elevate Your Life:

The Women in Business Journey

Imagine a life where you wake up every morning feeling deeply connected to your purpose, confident in your power, and aligned with the flow of abundance. Your business isn't just surviving-it's thriving, attracting your ideal clients effortlessly, and growing in ways you once only dreamed of. This isn't a fantasy.
It's the outcome waiting for you at the end of the Women in Business program.


The Outcome: What You'll Achieve by the End of This Journey Picture This:

You've just completed the Women in Business program, and as you look back, you hardly recognise the woman you were when you started. The doubts, fears, and blocks that once held you back are now distant memories, replaced by an unshakeable confidence and clarity. Your relationship with money has transformed; you now see wealth as a natural extension of your value, and it flows into your life with ease.

Your business is no longer a source of stress or uncertainty. Instead, it's a thriving ecosystem of creativity, connection, and impact. You've mastered the art of energetic sales, and clients are drawn to you not just because of what you offer, but because of who you are. They feel your authenticity, your passion, and your unwavering commitment to your mission.

But it's not just about the money or the business success. You've found a deeper harmony within yourself—a balance between the feminine intuition that guides your decisions and the masculine action that drives them forward. You've healed old wounds, both personal and ancestral, and they no longer dictate your choices. You've stepped into your power, not as a warrior fighting for success, but as a queen who knows that success is her birthright.


And the best part?


You've learned to manifest your desires with ease, using advanced techniques that feel as natural as breathing. Your business isn't just aligned with your goals; it's aligned with your soul. Every decision, every step you take, feels guided by something other than yourself-a deep connection to te energy of the Creator, God Consciousness, or Allah Consciousness.
This spiritual alignment has become the foundation of your business, ensuring that every success is not just profitable but meaningful.

Here's What You've Achieved:

  • A Prosperous Mindset: You've healed your money wounds and cultivated a mindset that naturally attracts wealth and abundance.
  • Clear Success Path: You've identified and removed the blocks that were holding your business back, aligning with your true purpose and setting yourself up for unstoppable growth.
  • Magnetic Sales Mastery: You've mastered the art of selling in a way that feels authentic and effortless, drawing in clients who resonate with your message and mission.
  • Feminine Energy Activation: You've embraced your feminine power, achieving a harmonious balance with masculine action to drive your business forward.
  • Manifestation Mastery: You've learned how to bring your deepest desires into reality, using quantum leaps and intuitive decision-making.
  • Spiritual Alignment: Your business practices are deeply connected to your spiritual beliefs, ensuring that every step you take is aligned with your higher purpose.
  • Empowered Leadership: You've become a leader in your field, not through competition, but through collaboration and the magnetic force of your feminine energy.


By the end of this Journey

you'll have a business that reflects your highest self-a thriving, abundant, and spiritually aligned enterprise that not only supports your lifestyle but also fulfills your soul's mission. Women in Business isn't just a course; it's a transformational journey that will change the way you approach business, success, and life.

Don't Miss Out.

Sept-Oct 5pm UK Time 

17th Sept | 24th Sept | 1st Oct | 8th Oct | 15th Oct | 22nd Oct


Module 1: Understanding Energetics in
Business & Clearing Success Blocks


Align your business goals with your soul's deepest desires. Discover the mindset shifts necessary for holistic business success.

This module will guide you in identifying and clearing the subconscious blocks and limiting beliefs that prevent you from achieving your business goals.

You'll realign with your true purpose and set yourself up for growth and success.

Module 2: Energetics, Money
Reprogram your beliefs around wealth and abundance.


You'll identify and heal the subconscious money blocks that have been limiting your financial success. By transforming your relationship with money, you'll cultivate a prosperous mindset, empowering you to attract and retain wealth in your business.

Heal deep-seated money wounds.
Develop a healthy and abundant money mindset.

Learn how to charge your true value and attract clients who are willing to invest.

Master the Art of manifesting financial prosperity in your business.Create a business model that aligns with your energetic blueprint.

Module 3: Feminine Leadership Energy Activation & Balancing Masculine Energy in your Business

Learn the core principles of balancing feminine and masculine energies.

This module will help you activate your feminine energy while also balancing it with the necessary masculine action.

You'll learn how to harness both energies to create harmony in your business, leading to more aligned and impactful decisions.

 Lead with intuition, grace, and authenticity.
Embrace your unique gifts and use them to drive business growth.

Cultivate strong, healthy boundaries while nurturing client relationships.

Module 4: Strategy Meets Soul-Energetic Sales & Marketing Mastery


You'll learn to sell and market your services in a way that feels authentic and aligned with your energy.

This module will teach you how to connect with your audience on a deeper level, making your sales process both effortless and effective.

Develop a magnetic sales strategy that attracts your ideal clients.

Master hypnotic writing to convert prospects into loyal customers.

Learn energetic marketing techniques that resonate with your true self.

Implement aligned strategies that feel good and yield results.
Grow your business without sacrificing your well-being.

Harness the power of inspired action + propel your business forward.

Module 5: Community & Collaboration


 Build a supportive network of likeminded women in business. Learn the importance of collaboration over competition. Empower others while lifting yourself.

You'll harness the power of your desires and use advanced manifestation techniques to bring them to reality.

This module also guides you in shifting from limiting archetypes like the inner victim to empowering ones like the Queen and Magician.

Use quantum leaps and desires to manifest your business goals.

Shift from limiting to empowering archetypes.
Cultivate self-trust and intuitive decision-making to drive your success.

Bonus Module : Aligning Your Business with Your Feminine Cycle


In this bonus module, you'll learn how to honor and align your business activities with your natural monthly cycle.

This alignment allows you to harness the unique energy of each cycle phase, leading to more flow, ease, and productivity in your business.

Understand the power of your monthly cycle and its influence on your business.

Align your business tasks with your cycle to enhance productivity and ease.

Embrace self-care practices that support your feminine energy throughout the month.


I'm Sotoda Saifi

Join Sotoda Saifi, a renowned hypnotherapist and coach, for an empowering Women in Business Mastermind. This transformative program is designed to help women start and grow their coaching businesses with a unique blend of energetic and strategic guidance.

I feel I was more in my masculine energy before I started working with Sotoda even though my core is feminine and her online program has given me the tools and understanding of how to embrace my feminine energy and live in the present moment using divine guidance. I love you Sotoda, you are a gift to the world and I feel lucky to know you.”



With your guidance I have overcome my fears around handling money and started my own business now."

 - S

"This course transformed the way I approach my business. I now lead with confidence, knowing that my success is a natural extension of my divine feminine energy. I've doubled my income while working fewer hours!"

- Sofia | UK

What's Included In The Programme.


Energetic and Strategic Business Planning


  • Healing Money Wounds: Overcome financial blocks and cultivate a prosperous mindset.
  • Success Blocks Removal: Identify and clear obstacles hindering your business growth.
  • Business Growth Strategies: Develop and implement effective strategies to expand your coaching practice.
  • Energetic Sales and Marketing: Learn how to sell authentically and magnetically.
  • Hypnotic Sales: Master persuasive writing techniques to attract and convert clients.

Intuitive Transformational Coaching & Mentoring

  • Deep Clearing of Subconscious Beliefs: Address and heal core wounds, including inner child, ancestral, and past life patterns.
  • Feminine Energy Activation: Embrace and activate your feminine power.
  • Feminine & Masculine Balance: Achieve harmony between your feminine intuition and masculine action.
  • Healing Father and Mother Wounds: Resolve deep-seated familial patterns affecting your business.
  • Identity Work:Transform your self-identity to align with your business goals.
  • Sales Mastery: Develop skills and confidence to make sales effectively.
  • Charging Your True Value: Learn to price your services to reflect their true worth.

5 HypnoCoaching Modules - 90 minutes each

Each module is crafted to bring profound shifts through deep subconscious hypnosis and powerful activations.
  • Activate Your Voice: Speak from your soul and connect deeply with your audience.
-Experience Sacral and Throat Activation to fully express your truth.
  • Empower Your Leadership: Step into your role as a leader with confidence and
  • Heal Your Money Wounds: Transform your financial mindset and invite prosperity into your life.
  • Energetic Sales & Strategy: Attract your ideal clients and create lasting success.
  • Collaborate, Don't Compete: Heal your relationship with other women, moving from competition to powerful collaboration.


All practices are performed with a deep connection to the energy of the Creator, God Consciousness, or Allah Consciousness, ensuring a spiritually aligned approach to your business growth.

Secure your spot!

Transform your coaching business with the support and guidance of Sotoda Saifi in this exclusive Women in Business Mastermind. Limited spots are available to ensure personalized attention.


Why join this Mastermind?


  • Exclusive Access to Sotoda Saifi: Benefit from her extensive experience and unique approach.

  •  Supportive Community: Connect with like-minded women who are also on their business journey.

  •  Practical and Spiritual Integration: Combine strategic business practices with deep energetic and spiritual work for holistic growth.Seeing the positive impact you are having on others every day!

  • Earning a good income - with time flexibility!

  • Owning your own Coaching Business. Setting your own schedule, prices and terms!

  • Deeply feeling you are reaching your potential and living the life that you were meant to live!



What Will You Achieve?


  • A business that is not only successful but also spiritually fulfilling.

  • Increased confidence in your abilities to lead with feminine energy.

  • A clear understanding of how to balance masculine action with feminine flow.

  • Financial abundance that aligns with your core values and lifestyle.

  • A strong, supportive community of women who understand your journey.




  • Access to exclusive live coaching sessions.

  • Downloadable guides and workbooks for each module.

  • Lifetime access to the course materials and updates


Are you ready to align your business with your soul's calling?


Enrol today and start & our journey towards a thriving, soul-aligned business!




Join the Women in Business Mastermind Today!


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Use Discount Code : WIB222 for an amazing discount 

Limited Time Offer


3 Installments







Included in the Business Mastery Membership 

+ £10,000 worth of programs 

Exclusive Discounts for  Private Coaching, Mentoring & In-Person Retreats


Discount Ends









Join the Women in Business Mastermind

Seize this opportunity to heal, grow, and succeed under the mentorship of Sotoda Saifi. Let's build a business that resonates with your highest purpose and potential.

For questions, contact [email protected]. We can't wait to support you on this incredible journey!

Sotoda Saifi Coaching does not guarantee any specific outcomes or earnings from our information, courses, programmes, masterminds, mastercourses, coaching, plans, tools, or strategies.You acknowledge and agree that no part of the Sotoda Saifi Coaching brand has made any assurances, promises, warranties, projections, representations, or guarantees about future results or earnings, or that you will achieve any financial gain from purchasing any programmes, courses, trainings, masterclasses, mastercourses, or coaching. We have not authorised any such assurances or representations by others. There are no assurances of results or future earnings.